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Records show that Campi Flegrei, located in South Italy has experienced an increase in activity in recent years, including many earthquakes that could suggest that there’s an added risk of an explosive, vast eruption.

“The last time it blew in 1538, molten rock and volcanic gases were launched high into the air. If this happened again now, sulfur and toxic ash would spread around the world, possibly forcing a long global winter and killing wildlife and crops.”

According to the CDC, if you’re in a volcanic region, you can proactively prepare by making sure you have the following in case of an eruption:

  • Flashlight and extra batteries

  • First aid kit and manual

  • Emergency food and water

  • Manual (nonelectric) can opener

  • Essential medicines

  • Sturdy shoes

  • Respiratory (breathing) protection

  • Eye protection (goggles)

  • Battery-powered radio

At CHUG, we know that both minor and major disruptions have to be considered to maintain quality patient care, staffing, and overall healthcare facility operations. That’s why we are passionate about helping you every step of the way. From understanding your facility’s specific level of risk all the way to helping you create a strong Emergency Operations Plan with training along the way. We’re your trusted emergency preparedness partner. Take our 3-minute Risk Assessment >