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CHUG: Our Sincerest Thanks to Healthcare Workers

CHUG: Our Sincerest Thanks to Healthcare Workers

2020 has brought a lot of uncertainty to our world.

During the current pandemic crisis, many employees and families are faced with fears, anxieties, and stresses that seem to be mounting with each passing day. It seems we are caught in turmoil between social distancing requirements, civil unrest, and the constant evolution of this virus.

Today, simple tasks like brushing your teeth, cooking a family meal, or getting through a conference call without the dog barking may seem like a cause for celebration.

Organizations executives and team members are exhausted, overworked, and under-appreciated. This is especially felt in the healthcare industry.

That is why I want to take this moment to celebrate you and give thanks to all of our CHUG Members who are on the frontlines battling all that COVID-19 has brought to our healthcare system. My heartfelt admiration goes out to the essential healthcare workers that work tirelessly every day to provide care for the patients that they serve. I see the sacrifices you’re making to ensure that your patients are cared for and the extra measures you take to make sure they do not suffer alone when complications arise. Your families, friends, and your personal needs are often placed on the back burner because you go above and beyond every day. THANK YOU!!

This Thanksgiving, I want to let you know that I give thanks to YOU, our CHUG members, staff, patients, and families for your extraordinary efforts, your empathy, sincere caring, generous devotion, and outstanding contribution during these difficult times.

— Connie Polke, founder, Collaborative Healthcare Urgency Group

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