Weekly Updates & Resources from CHUG



Did You Know? Did you know that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Emergency Preparedness requirements include that you have a training program that provides annual education on your emergency operations plan to All your staff and new hires?

Did you know CHUG has developed a 30-minute webinar on Annual EOP Overview for Healthcare Staff? CHUG provides the necessary documentation of the training for all your staff. Our members can access the Webinar at their convenience even from their home. CHUG has created a post-test as part of the documentation and a certificate of completion.

Did you know that another requirement by CMS for emergency preparedness is that your organizations' emergency planning team must review your EOP annually?

Did you know that CHUG has created a tool to assist our members with the annual EOP review? Our CHUG team utilizes our CHUG CHECK to review your EOP and provide you with areas that need to be addressed.
Did you know that CMS requires an annual Hazardous Vulnerability Assessment as part of your organization's emergency preparedness program? This must be kept on file in your Emergency Operations Plan for Life Safety Surveys.

Did you know that CHUG can assist you through our virtual webinar; Hazardous Vulnerability Assessment?

CHUG has the tools to support your emergency preparedness program and planning. In addition, we have many valuable virtual continuing education workshops and annual tabletop and functional/full-scale exercises to help your organization be compliant with CMS regulations and avoid nasty E-tags.