CHUG: 2021 Back-to-School Safety Tips


CHUG: 2021 Back-to-School Safety Tips

August is ‘Back-to-School Safety Month’ and as families prepare for the 2021 school year with the pandemic to consider, there are a lot of questions and feelings of uncertainty that are new for both children and parents.

According to, here are some helpful questions for parents to consider this year:

  • Have teachers and staff been vaccinated?

  • What changes have been made to classrooms, hallways, cafeterias and buses to ensure social distancing?

  • Will hand-washing opportunities be frequent and hand sanitizer readily available?

  • Have cleaning services been increased and how often will high-touch surfaces be disinfected?

  • Are students and staff who feel sick required to stay at home?

  • What is the plan if someone at the school tests positive for COVID-19?

  • What are you doing about sports and other activities?