Village in Canada Cracking The Dementia Code


While The Village Langley isn’t the first of its kind, it’s definitely a large part of cracking the code for the care of Dementia patients. Canada’s very first dementia village is a safe and some would say, a better home for its residents.

The Village has almost everything you would find in your very own town, including shops and even a hair salon, allowing its residents the freedom to stroll around, shop and enjoy their days while under the supervision of specially trained staff.

“Many of the people living with dementia become very agitated because they can’t move about as they wish. So we said we need to build a community where people can walk out the door, walk around, come and go as they please and still remain safe,”

CHUG provides long-term care organizations with expert coordination of evacuation, transportation, relocation and shelter-in-place services. We also offer our expertise with response and restoration services, including fire and water damage, mold remediation, infectious disease clean-up and catastrophic loss.
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